Confirmation is for those young people who have been baptized and are in the middle school age group. Confirmation can take place at any age from this point into adulthood, but separate classes are held for adults. In Confirmation class the young people of the congregation are taught the basics of the faith that build upon what they have learned in church, Sunday School, and at home.
They are being taught more in depth aspects of what we believe so that they may take the promises made at their baptism to be something they now can answer for themselves. This is important for any congregation as we are told that we each will give an account (Romans 14:12) of ourselves to God. This is an opportunity for the person to make a public profession of faith and to make a lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ. Confirmation is also where most of our young people will begin to take communion.
Adults will typically first need to complete a course in Adult Confirmation to be able to commune at St. Paul unless they are members in good standing within a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or one of her partner churches.