Reverend David Graves
2013 - Present

Pastor David Graves was born and raised in Columbia, Missouri. While initially being raised in the Methodist Church his family joined an American Evangelical congregation in his early youth. In 2006 he left the Evangelical movement and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. His love of the Lutheran Confessions and Liturgy are what brought him into a deeper faith that changed his life. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree from Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri (2009) and a Master of Divinity Degree (M.Div.) from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis (2013). He has been published in the quarterly journal Lutheran Forum, and has contributed to various online theology platforms. He is an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan and splits interest between the Missouri Tigers and the Tennessee Vols. He has a dog named Trip who is known all over town as the one who walks pastor every morning and night.